First Presbyterian Church High Springs is an active congregation of the Presbyterian Church USA (the largest Presbyterian denomination in the US, dating back in the America's to 1706) and part of St. Augustine Presbytery.
First Presbyterian Church High Springs is much like our surrounding community with diverse views be it in social issues, politics and more yet we all come together as a church family under our common belief in Jesus and the Word found in the Bible.
In the Presbyterian church, a part of the Refomed faith, we believe:
+ In the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
+ In the Bible as God's word.
+ In Jesus as God's resurrected son.
+ God is soverieign (meaning that in beginning and the end, God is God!).
+ Human beings are sinful but through Jesus we may be forgiven (grace).
+ Through the Holy Spirit we grow more into the person God would have us be.
+ While we have creeds and confessions, they are always take second place to the Bible!
+ That we are part of the catholic (universal) worldwide Christian church.
The word Presbyterian can be literally translated as a "church of elders". While we have a pastor known as a Teaching Elder, the church is actually run by a council made up of Ruling Elders and the Teaching Elder. While the congregation elects the council (known as a Session), the council is the one that actually runs the church day to day.
Want to learn more about our congregation? Join us in worship on Sunday morning!