The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. John 1:9
The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. John 1:9

Welcome to Historic

First Presbyterian Church High Springs

We are glad that you are here!

February 9will be glued to their TV’s watching the Super Bowl. I know a lot of folks that watch simply to see the commercials! It should be a great matchup between Philadelphia and KC.


But this Sunday is ALSO a day to celebrate: The Super Bowl Day of Caring. This special day was started in Spring Valley Presbyterian Church in 1990 and now has gone viral, being celebrated by nearly all denominations as well as schools, businesses and even the NFL, providing over $193 million dollars in food.

This Sunday YOU can participate. Simply bring a can of soup and then vote for your favorite team! Put your can in (or next to) the pot marked with the team of your choice. Better yet…you can even vote more than once!!! Feel free to “stuff the ballot box” with cans of soup. Everything that we receive will be donated to the local food pantry. And yes, we will let you know which one of OUR teams has one (and truthfully, the hungry will win no matter what happens to the teams!!!).


Should you miss the Souper Bowl on the 9th, feel free to bring your vote (soup) the next Sunday, February 16!!!


This Super Bowl Sunday, lets make it a Super Bowl Day of Caring!!! 

During 2025 we invite the church and community to join us in a "Year of the Bible." We will be reading through the entire Bible a little bit at a time, just about 15-20 minutes/day. Our pastor will be preaching each week from passages that we have read and there will be a discussion every Sunday morning from 10:00 - 10:30 AM in the annex just off of the sanctuary.


Reading the Bible can be life changing! This is God's word to us and you find it exciting, scary,  uplifting, sad, happy and a whole lot more! Furthermore, you will find yourself saying, "I didn't know THAT was in the Bible" while also finding yourself saying, "But I thought that WAS in the Bible and it is not!!!" Join us for a life changing event!!!

Historic First Presbyterian Church has been an active part of the town of High Springs since 1897. A small church with a big heart, First Presbyterian has seen many changes in the community over the years with the growth and departure of the railroad, introduction of electric, public water, cell phones, and the Internet, not to mention the changes in the town. But one thing has not changed, our love of God through Jesus and the vibrant worship and service we bring to the community.

Join us for worship this Sunday at 11:00 AM, you will leave with the love of the Lord, ready to be a better person for the week ahead! The Lord's Supper is served the first Sunday of every month, all Christians are welcome at the table.


Have children? Sunday School is at 10:00 AM and while a nursery is provided, children (of all ages) are always welcomed in worship. 

Mark Your Calendars!

Vacation Bible School is June 16 - 20

This year's theme promises to be a LOT of fun

as we all learn about the love of Jesus!

Want to register NOW? Early registration is open...CLICK HERE!


First Presbyterian Church High Springs

18711 Main Street 

High Springs, FL 32643

352-327-8189 (Pastor)

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© First Presbyterian Church of High Springs